EU: Latest Live Export News – 17/7/19.


MEP Anja Hazekamp calls on the European Commission to launch an infringement procedure against Romania, after the country authorises mass transport of 70.000 sheep from the Port of Midia to the Persian Gulf while temperatures rise above 45 °C. This is in breach with European rules on the protection of animals during transport, which state that inside the vehicle or vessel, temperatures must be maintained below 30 °C during the entire journey.

Over the past couple of days, MEP Hazekamp – as well as European Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis – urged the Romanian authorities not to authorise this particular transport. As Romania ignored their calls, the  Kuwaiti vessel ‘Al Shuwaikh’ left the port on Sunday night, carrying tens of thousands of exhausted and mistreated sheep.  “This is totally unacceptable! Despite the many warnings, Romania keeps on violating EU rules, allowing all these animals to suffer and perish aboard this monster boat,” says Hazekamp.

Hazekamp visited the Port of Midia last weekend, where she observed horrendous animal abuse during loading. “Sheep were kicked, beaten and attacked with electric poles, but Romanian authorities refused to intervene. Europe can no longer look the other way. Animal welfare rules are being violated systematically. The Commission must act now.”

Total ban on live exports

In addition to the infringement procedure, Hazekamp has been advocating a total ban on live animal exports to non-EU countries.

Last February, the European Parliament supported her proposal (in its Implementation Report on Animal Transport). However, as live exports are still continued and as animal suffering during transport has not been stopped yet, Hazekamp called on the newly installed MEPs, to establish a Committee of Inquiry to investigate breaches of EU rules and put an end to the suffering.

Source –

Is the new President-elect of the Commission committed to making a change for animals?

Ursula von der Leyen will be the next President of the European Commission after a majority of MEPs voted in favour of her appointment tonight. While animals or agriculture weren’t mentioned in her statement addressing the European Parliament today, Eurogroup for Animals did welcome the support she expressed for renewed actions to improve animal welfare during hearings with Parliamentary political groups last week.

Following a question by Petras Auštrevičius at the Renew Europe meeting, she explained that animal welfare is included in the programme related to biodiversity and climate neutrality. She said that it is one of the questions the people of Europe want the European institutions to act upon, and that it is a “noble task to take on.” After a question by Yannick Jadot at the Greens/EfA meeting, she also stated that animal welfare “should be one of the main pillars of the Common Agriculture Policy”.

During her half-hour opening statement today on political guidelines for the next five years, the President-elect said that she would support the de facto right of legislative initiative for the Parliament – which could mean that long-awaited legislative improvements to animal welfare might finally be within reach.

Notably, Frederick Federley MEP (Renew Europe, SE), a Vice President of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, said that the Parliament has long been asking for a framework law on animal welfare, and that since von der Leyen said that she would support a right of initiative – meaning that she commits to respond to Parliament own-initiative resolutions with draft legislation – they are going to “hold her accountable” for this, and would expect such a proposal to be forthcoming as a result.

“After a decade of legislative stasis, we are pleased to welcome a President of the Commission who is a friend to animals both personally and politically,” said Reineke Hameleers, director of Eurogroup for Animals. “We are encouraged by her statements last week, and look forward to working with her Commission over the next five years to deliver real improvements for animals across our Union and beyond.”

When she is sworn in on November 1st, the Brussels-born German politician – who is a horse, goat and dog-owner – will be the thirteenth President of the Commission and the first woman to hold the position.

Source –




EU-animal law: legalized murder!

The murders in the meat industry all have the same goal: to make money with the blood and suffering of the animals. This also applies to most politicians and lobbyists.

A few days ago, a ship with 70,000 (still) living beings has been send from the Romanian port Midia to the Midle East.
The hangmen of the Muslim and Jewish slaughterhouses are a bit different from the hangmen of European slaughterhouses.

To understand this, the following video will help:


“Shot in December 2018 in a slaughterhouse in Aveyron, these images show the legal abuse of slaughter without stunning allowed in France by derogation for the Jewish and Muslim cults.

According to the INRA Animal Pain expert report, an animal shot without stunning can remain conscious for up to 11 minutes”.


The meat lobby is located in the individual countries, which are not interested in getting a handle on the transport problem.
Animal transports mean subsidies from Brussels and that is why corrupt politicians are involved in the business (as we see in the case of the 70,000 sheep from Romania to Midle East ).

In Europe we have something called Animal Welfare.
On the paper, we are right at the forefront.

First section-German animal welfare law, § 1

“Nobody is allowed to cause pain or harm to an animal without an acceptable reason”.

For this we -the Europeans- have entrusted to some brain-brillant commissioners the preservation of this law. With our voice and our money.

In recent years, however, we observe a provocative cooperation (man calls it tolerance) of the “competent” commissioners with the animal transport mafia, and especially with countries that, as poor and weak EU partners, the meat business under any circumstances operate because that’s their main financial source. With devastating consequences for the animals.

They try to enforce their own interests and power games, nobody controls them, ( because according to EU, animal welfare is “country thing” ) so their chances of maximizing their profit are very high.
Let’s put it this way: they have all the options to live from the animas und from their suffering.  And they do it.

And now to the case “Midia”, Romania.

“Nobody is allowed to transport 40-degree-a-day animals without water and food, unless one manages to make millions of them.” says the brain-brilliant Commissioner Andriukaitis a word of power, but finally the EU has learned to respect the law of the strongest, and thus ships the Kuwaiti Transport Mafia (with the permission of the Romanian Minister) the 70,000 animal victims in countries that do not need to give an “acceptable” reason for the muslim massacre, because they consider animal welfare as unacceptable!

With that, the topic animal welfare law is done!
At least for our continent, it’s not even worth the paper it was written on.



What is it about finally here?

It`s about torment, it’s about deliberate, illegal animal cruelty.
For days in the ship, with pre-programmed and painful death for many animals and with an unimaginable hell for the survivors. That`s about it!

And further, it is about the outrageous hypocrisy of the EU Commissioner, who allows all this, because “who is brutally killed in other cultures, is none of our business”!

Animal welfare is murder thing!!

Best regards, Venus


Romania / Kuwait: Watching Us Watching Them – Livestock Ship Update.



Livestock ship watch.

We can confirm that the AL SHUWAIKH which is carrying 70,000 live sheep to the Middle East (Kuwait) for Eid ritual slaughter is currently in the Med Sea to the West of Cyprus.


It is currently expected to arrive at Kuwait on Saturday 20th July at around 0700 hrs.


It is travelling at a speed of about 15-16 knots.

It was built in 1986, has a gross tonnage of 18,341, and sails under the flag of Kuwait.

Regards WAV.