Serbia: Newspaper Article – “Smederevo Fails for ‘Several Decades’ to Solve Its Problem of Stray Dogs”.

The following Serbian newspaper article has been translated by Google Translate. 

The following is a direct translation into English; the original Serbian article also follows.


Smederevo: The problem of stray dogs

8.8. januar 2011. January 2011. | 18:45 | Izvor: Beta Smederevo — Gradska uprava Smedereva isplatila je u 2010. | 18:45 | Source: Beta Smederevo – godini oko pet miliona dinara odštete građanima koje su ujeli psi lutalice.

Smederevo city administration has paid in 2010.  year about five million dinars of compensation to citizens who are bitten by stray dogs.

Smederevo već nekoliko decenija ne uspeva da reši problem pasa lutalica, a to pitanje se iznova pokreće svake godine nakon što se utvrdi suma koja je iz budžeta izdvojena za obeštećenje.

 **Smederevo for several decades fails to solve the problem of stray dogs, **

and this issue is re-run every year, after determining the amount that the budget set aside for compensation.

Tokom 2010.. godine podneto je tri puta više zahteva za naknadu štete zbog ujeda pasa nego 2009. godine, a iz gradske kase je isplaćeno tri miliona dinara više nego godinu ranije, ukupno oko pet miliona dinara. , and from the city budget was paid three million dinars a year earlier, a total of about five million.
In 2010 were submitted three times more claims for damages for dog bites than in 2009.
Uobičajena naknada za odrasle osobe je 30.000, a za decu 50.000 dinara, osim jednog slučaja sa više ujeda i polomljenom nogom kada je građaninu isplaćeno 170.000 dinara.

The usual fee for adults is 30,000 and 50,000 dinars for children, except one case with more bite and a broken leg when he paid 170,000 dinars citizen. Pošto građanin podnese potrebne dokaze da ga je pas ujeo, komisija odlučuje o naknadi. As a citizen to submit any evidence that he was bitten by a dog, the Commission shall decide on compensation.

“Svaka varoš mora da ima bar jedan čopor pasa koji se slobodno kreće i koji, braneći svoju teritoriju, štiti mesto od najezde pasa iz druge sredine”, rekao je predsednik regionalne Veterinarske komore Saša Stokić.

“Every town must have at least one pack of dogs to move freely and that, defending their territory, protect the site from the invasion of dogs from other regions,” said regional president of the Veterinary Association Sasha Stokić.

Prema njegovim rečima, ubijanje pasa nije rešenje, ali kastriranje jeste.

**According to him, the killing of dogs is not a solution, but neutering is. **

Aktivistkinja Društva za zaštitu životinja Vesna Arsenović , koja se iz Smedereva preselila u selo da bi mogla da stvori sopstveni azil za životinje, smatra da je rešenje hvatanje lutalica, čišćenje od parazita, lečenje ako je potrebno, sterilizacija, markiranje i vraćanje na ulicu ili udomljavanje.

An activist of the Society for the Protection of Animals Vesna Arsenović, which moved from Smederevo in the village to be able to create their own animal shelter, said that the solution is to capture stray parasites, treatment if necessary, sterilization, mark and return to the street or the adoption .

“Da budem iskren, mi ćemo morati da uklonimo pse sa ulica. Žao mi je što se to nekome neće dopasti, ali zakon nalaže da pse koji se slobodno kreću po ulici uhvatimo, hranimo tri dana i potom eutanaziramo”, rekao je komunalni inspektor Slobodan Devečerski.

“To be honest, we will have to remove the dogs from the streets. I’m sorry that this is not like someone, but the law requires that dogs that move freely in the streets catch, eat for three days and then euthanized,” said municipal inspector Clear Devečerski.

Devečerski je dodao da pas koji nekoga ujede mora da bude čuvan najmanje 15 dana da bi se utvrdilo da li boluje od nečega pa, eventualno, i da li ima vlasnika.

Devečerski added that a dog who bites someone should be kept at least 15 days to determine whether it has a health condition and, if appropriate, and whether it has an owner.


Smederevo: Problem pasa lutalica

8. januar 2011. | 18:45 | Izvor: Beta Smederevo — Gradska uprava Smedereva isplatila je u 2010. godini oko pet miliona dinara odštete građanima koje su ujeli psi lutalice.Smederevo već nekoliko decenija ne uspeva da reši problem pasa lutalica, a to pitanje se iznova pokreće svake godine nakon što se utvrdi suma koja je iz budžeta izdvojena za obeštećenje.

Tokom 2010. godine podneto je tri puta više zahteva za naknadu štete zbog ujeda pasa nego 2009. godine, a iz gradske kase je isplaćeno tri miliona dinara više nego godinu ranije, ukupno oko pet miliona dinara.

Uobičajena naknada za odrasle osobe je 30.000, a za decu 50.000 dinara, osim jednog slučaja sa više ujeda i polomljenom nogom kada je građaninu isplaćeno 170.000 dinara. Pošto građanin podnese potrebne dokaze da ga je pas ujeo, komisija odlučuje o naknadi.

“Svaka varoš mora da ima bar jedan čopor pasa koji se slobodno kreće i koji, braneći svoju teritoriju, štiti mesto od najezde pasa iz druge sredine”, rekao je predsednik regionalne Veterinarske komore Saša Stokić.

Prema njegovim rečima, ubijanje pasa nije rešenje, ali kastriranje jeste.

Aktivistkinja Društva za zaštitu životinja Vesna Arsenović, koja se iz Smedereva preselila u selo da bi mogla da stvori sopstveni azil za životinje, smatra da je rešenje hvatanje lutalica, čišćenje od parazita, lečenje ako je potrebno, sterilizacija, markiranje i vraćanje na ulicu ili udomljavanje.

“Da budem iskren, mi ćemo morati da uklonimo pse sa ulica. Žao mi je što se to nekome neće dopasti, ali zakon nalaže da pse koji se slobodno kreću po ulici uhvatimo, hranimo tri dana i potom eutanaziramo”, rekao je komunalni inspektor Slobodan Devečerski.

Devečerski je dodao da pas koji nekoga ujede mora da bude čuvan najmanje 15 dana da bi se utvrdilo da li boluje od nečega pa, eventualno, i da li ima vlasnika.

South Korea: One Million Pigs Buried Alive – Please Sign the Petition.

One Million Pigs Buried Alive in South Korea


Target: South Korean Embassy’s Worldwide

Sponsored by: Philip Atock

Following an outbreak of Foot & Mouth disease in South Korea, the authorities have refused to have animals vaccinated and are instead doing a mass cull. Slaughtered humanely? No! They’re burying them alive!

Foot and mouth disease affects all cloven hoofed animals such as pigs, cattle and goats, and any country that has cases of it is unable to export the animals’ meat.

The South Korean government has so far refused to vaccinate pigs against the disease and is now slaughtering them in record numbers despite appeals to stop.

On January 4 in one area of Gangwon-Do, 33,900 pigs alone were destroyed, according to the OIE

Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) has said that South Korea’s actions contravene international guidelines. Michele Danan from the organisation said: “Live vaccinations are the best route but if they do have to kill them we would prefer that they were at least slaughtered humanely.”

The estimated cost of the cull so far is believed to have reached around £230m when a mass vaccination programme would have cost an estimated £63m.

Some animal rights campaigners have criticised the government for putting economic considerations ahead of animal welfare.

The Republic has begun inoculating cattle in some areas and the OIE reported on Thursday that sows and boars are starting to be vaccinated but only in a few locations.

It is believed the live burial of pigs began at Christmas and the figure is likely to climb far above the one million mark.

Joyce D’Silva, Director of Public Affairs for CIWF said: “Compassion in World Farming is appalled that the Republic of Korea is allegedly throwing pigs into pits and burying them alive.

“This is totally contrary to international guidelines on humane culling, which the Korean government endorsed five years ago.

We urge the Korean government to end this horrendous practice at once and to ensure that, if animals are culled, this is done humanely.”

Please sign this petition and send it to all your friends. This type of deliberate cruelty is totally unnecessary and totally unacceptable in any country in 2011