EU: Mr Junker and His Cronies Finally Realise That The UK Is Not Coming Back To An EU Of Non Enforcement !

Above:  Mr ‘I can do nothing’ Van Goethem

Above -Mr Junker


SAV Comment

If Junker and his cronies made sure that the EU actually enforced Existing EU legislation rather than ignoring it and not prosecuting, then maybe the UK would have voted to remain in the EU.  The cause ?- an ineffective Junker and Commissioners.  All talk and no action.  Ask the EU animals being transported live to Turkey for example – does EU animals in transport (Reg 1/2005) protect them? – NO.  So why should the UK pay all this money when Junker is so useless ?

EU’s Juncker: Don’t believe Brexit won’t happen

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker says he believes Brexit will happen and the EU should tackle its looming budget shortfall.

“Don’t believe those who say that it’s not going to happen and that people in the UK have realised their error… I don’t think that’s going to be the case,” he told a Brussels conference.

The EU budget commissioner said the UK’s departure would leave a hole of about €12-13bn (£11-12bn; $14-$16bn).

The UK’s exit is set for March 2019.

50% spending Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger said the budget gap would have to be closed with cuts and 50% fresh money. He suggested a Europe-wide tax on plastic products as a source of extra revenue.

The Commission will publish a proposal in May this year and has urged EU leaders to agree a budget deal by May 2019.

Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable and former Prime Minister Tony Blair are among the prominent voices arguing that Brexit can still be reversed, possibly by holding a new referendum on whatever deal is reached on the UK withdrawal.

§  The key Brexit dates in 2018

§  Brexit talks to move to next stage – EU

§  Brexit: All you need to know

The EU is bracing for hard bargaining between the bloc’s net contributors and net recipients for the next budget period, 2020-2026. The UK is currently among the major net contributors.

What do the EU budget figures mean?

By Adam Fleming, BBC News, Brussels

§  €1 trillion – Rough amount that will be spent by the EU in 2014-2020, including on agriculture, energy, regional policy and administration

§  €12-13bn – Permanent hole left in the budget each year by the UK’s departure, according to the European Commission

§  1% – Size of the EU budget as a proportion of the European economy; Mr Juncker wants it to go up

§  85% – Size of eurozone as share of total EU economy after UK’s departure – up from 73%, showing a shift of power to the eurozone after Brexit

There will have to be cuts in some major [EU] programmes – some significant cuts,” Mr Oettinger warned.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has said Britain will honour its current commitments to the EU budget, until 2020.

The UK is one of 10 member states who pay more into the EU budget than they get out. Only France and Germany contribute more.

According to UK Treasury figures, the UK’s net contribution for 2014/15 was £8.8bn. The total contribution was more, but the UK received a £4.6bn rebate. That annual rebate was won by the late Margaret Thatcher.

In 2014/15, Poland was the largest beneficiary, followed by Hungary and Greece.

On Monday the veteran pro-Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage met EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels. “Mr Barnier clearly did not understand why Brexit happened,” he said after the meeting.



SAV Comment  – None of them do understand why Nigel – or certainly they will not admit – they want to blame the UK for THEIR FAILINGS.  Its called NON ENFORCEMENT OF EXISTING EU REGULATIONS.  Aka 1/2005 for the protection of animals during transport – the best joke in the EU.


Junker – ‘I have this vision that someday in the distant future, the EU WILL actually enforce existing EU Regulations – then we can say that we have actually done what we are paid to do’




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